Recently Lakhany Silk Mills has Launched Latest summer lawn dress collection 2013 For Women.Here’s a taste of Komal collection lawn Lakhany Silk Mills 2013 has launched.This
collection beautiful lawn will exhibit along the Zunuj Fabrics LSM lawn
on 8-10 March at the Marriott hotel, Karachi.Lakhany Silk Mills is not
new to any introduction, it is a company of old textiles and leader in
our country.Lakhany Silk Mills has been working since the year 1952 and
since then, they have launched both of collection for each season or
occasion.Fabrics of the LSM has recently launched the sneak peak of
Zunuj 2013 lawn and now it’s a sneak peak of Komal by LSM lawn Fabrics.
Lakhany Silk Mills has designed this beautiful Collection of lawn
Komal Lakhany Silk Mills with plenty of elegant and beautiful as floral
prints, screen and block.Some of the dresses
were adorned with laces also.This collection of lawn by fabrics LSM
2013 a fully adorned with multi light shades such asred, green, blue,
yellow, orange, and etc etc.In a first time, the fashion industry,
fabrics LSM designed prints of lawn for your baby too.In this collection
of lawn, you will find dresses for mothers, babies and
grandmothers.Girls! All these dresses are looking very nice.
thanks for sharing...